COMETA GATE is an IoT-COMETA Network Connection Gateway

COMETA GATEs are the communicating nodes that form IoT-COMETA network and are linked to all the surrounding connected objects, including AS4 clocks.

Made up of several COMETA GATEs, IoT-COMETA network is a low-power, long-range wireless mesh network using a free (royalty-free) frequency band, which makes it possible to deploy a robust, bi-directional remote management system at lower cost, scalable and open to any kind of connected objects.

The server application has the ability to centralize and analyze all data emanating from the network and connected objects, thus allowing alarm management.

  • Remote transfer of AS4 clock programs, both in the downlink or the uplink direction, for update or visit management purposes.
  • Supervision of objects added to IoT-COMETA network
  • “Economical” scalability of the network with CO2, VOC, UV, pollution, snow-water height sensors …
  • Alarm management if the information is reported as “non-compliant” to the expected state.
  • Large radio range
  • Low power consumption
  • Bidirectional communication
  • Scalable radio network
  • Open to any type of connected objects
  • Server access via PC or tablet

COMETA GATE in action:

Saint Nazaire (44600), future Smart City? Smart City - Cometa from Saint Nazaire

Saint Nazaire (44600), future Smart City?

Installation of AS4 with remote management via COMETA GATE and iliec server on Saint NAZAIRE.
St-Georges de Didonne, Astronomical Clocks AS4, COMETA GATE & RELAY

St-Georges de Didonne, Astronomical Clocks AS4, COMETA GATE & RELAY

SAINT-GEORGES-DE-DIDONNE, a seaside commune, gets its fair share of all kinds of summer season events like the inevitabl